5 Things You Should Know About 亲亲华文 (Qin Qin Hua Wen) Curriculum: A Game-Changer for Mandarin Learning 📚✨
Recommended Mandarin Children Books for Young Readers (2-4 years)
Tangyuan Soup for the Busy Parent
Unlocking the Best Deals with BrookieKids Story Credits
Gift Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers (From the perspective of the parents)
7 Fun & Easy Mid-Autumn Festival Activities in 2023
Why are we raising bilingual children- The story behind ScanSpeakLearn Packs
Getting started with BrookieKids Part 2- Different levels and engagement tips
Getting Started with BrookieKids Part 1- Unlocking the packs and Scanning
Nurturing Mandarin Fluency in Young Children: A Guide to Mandarin Learning in Singapore
How our activity packs work
Playing Hide & Seek... The BrookieKids Way!
Insights from attending Our Bilingual Futures, by BLIP Lab NTU
Testing out the Hatch Me if You Can Pack with a 4-year old 🥚🥚🥚