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Recommended Mandarin Children Books for Young Readers (2-4 years)

Writer's picture: Melissa Melissa

Here are some of my favourite Mandarin children's books that I use to read to my 2-turning-3 years daughter. Sharing it with the community!

  1. 狂风中有鲨鱼/Shark in the Park on a Windy Day- Award Winning children books

The award winning series "Shark in the Park" were originally written by award winning UK author and illustrator Nick Sharratt.

recommended mandarin children books for children

Now here's the funny story. I hurriedly picked this off the shelf from the library, attracted by the colourful cover (ooops, guilty of judging a book by its cover!).

A few later, I read to my daughter who was sick and nursing a cold at home. When I took the book out and read the title "狂风中有鲨鱼", she said "Shark in the Park! It's so funny... I read it at Mama's (her maternal grandma) house."

So it turns out that my mum had read the English version for her!

recommended mandarin children books

They have 4 different titles under this series. I tried finding them on Taobao and Shopee but I wasn't successful (drop me a text if you managed to!). Though I managed to place a reservation of the books through National Library Board's website. You can do a borrow and deliver service for a maximum of 4 books at $8.72 per order.

Our Daily Mandarin Goal:

We aim to read at least 2-3 books Mandarin children's books daily and I do my best to pepper my conversations in Mandarin with my daughter.

girl enjoying mandarin class

I have personally seen her progress from resisting Mandarin books, to now picking out Mandarin books at the library and during bedtime.

The feedback from teachers in her preschool is that they have seen an improvement in her during Mandarin classes, being more attentive and participating actively.

2. 彩虹汤圆/A Rain-bowl of Happiness

You would think that my daughter would enjoy all the books that I wrote in the name of BrookieKids...but no! She has the ones that she really enjoys and the one that she doesn't.

彩虹汤圆 is definitely by far, the most popular book that we have written. We have received feedback from parents and friends of how their preschoolers and toddlers enjoyed the book. Needless to say, it is also my daughter's favourite BrookieKids Mandarin children book!

a book written and published by BrookieKids about tangyuans and yuan xiao festival

I think what made this a success as we reflect, is the colourful images and the easy to grasp concepts. Children enjoy selecting the coloured tangyuans, and observe what natural ingredients they are made of.

a book written by BrookieKids about tangyuan and yuan xiao festival

Here's my tip on reading. At the option page, introduce the child the different colours and let them choose. Then flip to the chosen page, finish reading it, and then going back again to the option page (see below).

I will try to see if I can upload a video demonstrating it.

children mandarin books popular about tangyuan and yuan xiao festival

We have limited copies left as we printed a small batch for this first edition. We promise you will not regret this one...

She enjoyed it so much that we had to head out to buy tangyuan once just before bedtime. The fun in reading is also when it leads to such memories, isn't it?

We will update this along the way... stay tuned!

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